Splitting Swift cluster

At Cloudwatt, we have been operating a near hundred nodes Swift cluster in a unique datacenter for a few years. The decision to split the cluster on two datacenters has been taken recently. The goal is to have at least one replica of each object on each site in order to avoid data loss in case of the destruction of a full datacenter (fire, plane crash, ...).

Constraints when updating a running cluster

Some precautions have to be taken when updating a running cluster with customers' data. We want to ensure that no data is lost or corrupted during the operation and that the cluster's performance isn't hurt too badly.

In order to ensure that no data is lost, we have to follow some guidelines including:

  • Never move more that 1 replica of any object at any given step; That way we ensure that 2 copies out 3 are left intact in case something goes wrong.
  • Process by small steps to limit the impact in case of failure.
  • Check during each step that there is no unusual data corruptions, and that corrupted data are correctly handled and fixed.
  • Check after each step that data has been moved (or kept) at the correct place.
  • If any issue were to happen, rollback to previous step.

To limit the impact on cluster's performance, we have to address to following issues:

  • Assess the availability of cluster resources (network bandwidth, storage nodes' disks & CPU availability) at different times of day and week. This would allow to choose the best time to perform our steps.
  • Assess the load on the cluster of the steps planned to split the cluster.
  • Choose steps small enough so that:
    • it fits time frames where cluster's resources are more available;
    • the load incurred by the cluster (and its users) is acceptable.

A number of these requirements have been addressed by Swift for a while:

  • When updating Swift ring files, the swift-ring-builder tool doesn't move more than 1 replica during reassignment of cluster's partitions (unless something really went wrong). By performing only one reassignment per process step, we ensure that we don't move more than 1 replica at each step.
  • Checking for data corruption is made easy by Swift. 3 processes (swift-object-auditor, swift-container-auditor and swift-account-auditor) running on storage nodes are continuously checking and fixing data integrity.
  • Checking that data is at the correct location is also made easy by the swift-dispersion-report provided.
  • Updating the location of data is made seamless by updating and copying the Ring files to every Swift nodes. Once updated, the Ring files are loaded by Swift processes without the need of being restarted. Rollbacking data location is easily performed by replacing the new Ring files by previous ones.

However, being able to control the amount of data to move to a new datacenter at a given step is a brand new feature, that has been fixed in version 2.2.0 of Swift, released on October 4th of 2014.

Checking data integrity

Swift auditor processes (swift-object-auditor, swift-container-auditor and swift-account-auditor) running on storage nodes are continuously checking data integrity, by checking files' checksums. When a corrupted file is found, it is quarantined; the data is removed from the node and the replication mechanism takes care of replacing the missing data. Below is an example of what concretely happens when manually corrupting an object.

Let's corrupt data by hand:

root@swnode0:/srv/node/d1/objects/154808/c3a# cat 972e359caf9df6fdd3b8e295afd4cc3a/1410353767.57579.data
root@swnode0:/srv/node/d1/objects/154808/c3a# echo blablb > 972e359caf9df6fdd3b8e295afd4cc3a/1410353767.57579.data

The corrupted object is 'quarantined' by the object-auditor when it checks the files integrity. Here's how it appears in the /var/log/syslog log file:

Sep 10 13:56:44 swnode0 object-auditor: Quarantined object /srv/node/d1/objects/154808/c3a/972e359caf9df6fdd3b8e295afd4cc3a/1410353767.57579.data: ETag 9b36b2e89df94bc458d629499d38cf86 and file's md5 6235440677e53f66877f0c1fec6a89bd do not match
Sep 10 13:56:44 swnode0 object-auditor: ERROR Object /srv/node/d1/objects/154808/c3a/972e359caf9df6fdd3b8e295afd4cc3a failed audit and was quarantined: ETag 9b36b2e89df94bc458d629499d38cf86 and file's md5 6235440677e53f66877f0c1fec6a89bd do not match
Sep 10 13:56:44 swnode0 object-auditor: Object audit (ALL) "forever" mode completed: 0.02s. Total quarantined: 1, Total errors: 0, Total files/sec: 46.71, Total bytes/sec: 326.94, Auditing time: 0.02, Rate: 0.98

The quarantined object is then overwritten by the object-replicator of a node that has the appropriate replica uncorrupted. Below is an extract of the log file on such node:

Sep 10 13:57:01 swnode1 object-replicator: Starting object replication pass.
Sep 10 13:57:01 swnode1 object-replicator: <f+++++++++ c3a/972e359caf9df6fdd3b8e295afd4cc3a/1410353767.57579.data
Sep 10 13:57:01 swnode1 object-replicator: Successful rsync of /srv/node/d1/objects/154808/c3a at (0.182)
Sep 10 13:57:01 swnode1 object-replicator: 1/1 (100.00%) partitions replicated in 0.21s (4.84/sec, 0s remaining)
Sep 10 13:57:01 swnode1 object-replicator: 1 suffixes checked - 0.00% hashed, 100.00% synced
Sep 10 13:57:01 swnode1 object-replicator: Partition times: max 0.2050s, min 0.2050s, med 0.2050s
Sep 10 13:57:01 swnode1 object-replicator: Object replication complete. (0.00 minutes)

The corrupted data has been replaced by the correct data on the initial storage node (where the file had been corrupted):

root@swnode0:/srv/node/d1/objects/154808/c3a# cat 972e359caf9df6fdd3b8e295afd4cc3a/1410353767.57579.data

Checking data location


We can use the swift-dispersion-report tool provided with Swift to monitor our data dispersion ratio (ratio of objects on the proper device / number of objects). A dedicated Openstack account is required that will be used by swift-dispersion-populate to create containers and objects.

Then we have to configure appropriately the swift-dispersion-report tool with the /etc/swift/dispersion.conf file:

auth_url = http://SWIFT_PROXY_URL/auth/v1.0

Once properly set, we can initiate dispersion monitoring by populating our new account with test data:

cloud@swproxy:~$ swift-dispersion-populate
Created 2621 containers for dispersion reporting, 4m, 0 retries
Created 2621 objects for dispersion reporting, 2m, 0 retries

Our objects should have been placed on appropriate devices. We can check this:

cloud@swproxy:~$ swift-dispersion-report
Queried 2622 containers for dispersion reporting, 2m, 31 retries
100.00% of container copies found (7866 of 7866)
Sample represents 1.00% of the container partition space
Queried 2621 objects for dispersion reporting, 45s, 1 retries
There were 2621 partitions missing 0 copy.
100.00% of object copies found (7863 of 7863)
Sample represents 1.00% of the object partition space

Monitoring data redistribution

Once updated ring has been pushed to every nodes and proxy servers, we can follow the data redistribution with the swift-dispersion-report. The migration is terminated when the number of objects copies reach 100%. Here's an example of results obtained on a 6 nodes cluster.

cloud@swproxy:~$ swift-dispersion-report
Queried 2622 containers for dispersion reporting, 3m, 29 retries
100.00% of container copies found (7866 of 7866)
Sample represents 1.00% of the container partition space
Queried 2621 objects for dispersion reporting, 33s, 0 retries
There were 23 partitions missing 0 copy.
There were 2598 partitions missing 1 copy.
66.96% of object copies found (5265 of 7863)
Sample represents 1.00% of the object partition space

# Then some minutes later
cloud@swproxy:~$ swift-dispersion-report
Queried 2622 containers for dispersion reporting, 5m, 0 retries
100.00% of container copies found (7866 of 7866)
Sample represents 1.00% of the container partition space
Queried 2621 objects for dispersion reporting, 26s, 0 retries
There were 91 partitions missing 0 copy.
There were 2530 partitions missing 1 copy.
67.82% of object copies found (5333 of 7863)
Sample represents 1.00% of the object partition space

Limiting the amount of data to move

There has been a number of recent contributions to Swift that have been done in order to allow the smooth addition of nodes to a new region.

With versions of swift-ring-builder earlier than Swift 2.1, when adding a node to a new region, 1 replica of every object was moved to the new region in order to maximize the dispersion of objects across different regions. Such algorithm had severe drawbacks. Let's consider a one region Swift cluster with 100 storage nodes. Adding 1 node to a second region had the effect of transferring 1/3 of the cluster's data to the new node, which would not have the capacity to store the data previously distributed over 33 nodes. So in order to add a new region to our cluster, we had to add in 1 step enough nodes to store 1/3 of our data. Let's consider we add 33 nodes to the new region. While there is enough capacity on these nodes to receive 1 replica of every objects, such operation would trigger the transfer of Petabytes of data to the new nodes. With a 10 Gigabits/second link between the 2 datacenters, such transfer would take days if not weeks, during which the cluster's network and destination nodes' disks would be saturated.

With commit 6d77c37 ("Let admins add a region without melting their cluster"), that has been released with Swift 2.1, the number of partitions assigned to nodes in a new region was determined by the weights of the nodes' devices. This feature allowed a Swift cluster operator the limit the amount of data transferred to a new region. However, because of bug 1367826 ("swift-ringbuilder rebalance moves 100% partitions when adding a new node to a new region"), even when limiting the amount of data transferred to a new region, a big amount of data is moved uselessly inside the initial region. For instance, it could happen that after a swift-ring-builder rebalance operation, 3% of partitions were assigned to the new region, but 88% of partitions were reassigned to new nodes inside the first region. The would lead to uselessly loading the cluster's network and storage nodes.

Eventually, commit 20e9ad5 ("Limit partition movement when adding a new tier") fixed bug 1367826. This commit has been released with Swift 2.2. It allows an operator to choose the amount of data that flows between regions, when adding nodes to a new region, without border effects. This feature enables the operator to perform a multi steps cluster split, by first adding devices with very low weights to a new region, then by progressively increasing the weights step by step. This can be done until 1 replica of every objects has been transferred to the new region. Since the number of partitions assigned to the new region depends on the weights assigned to the new devices, the operator has to compute the appropriate weights.

Computing new region weight for a given ratio of partitions

In order to assign a given ratio of partitions to a new region, a Swift operator can compute the devices' weights by using the following formula.


  • w1 is the weight of a single device in region r1
  • r1 has n1 devices
  • W1 = n1 * w1 is the full weight of region r1
  • r2 has n2 devices
  • w2 is the weight of a single device in region r2
  • W2 = n2 * w2 is the full weight of region r2
  • r is the ratio of partitions we want in region r2

We have:

  • r = W2 / (W1+W2)
  • <=> W2 = r*W1 / (1-r)
  • <=> w2 = rW1 / (1-r)n2

w2 is the weight to set to each device of region r2

Computing new devices weight for a given number of partitions

In some cases the operator may prefer to specify the number of partitions (rather than its ratio) that he wishes to assign to the devices of a new region.


  • p1 the number of partitions in region r1
  • W1 the full weight of region r1
  • p2 the number of partitions in region r2
  • W2 the full weight of region r2

We have the following equality:

  • p1/W1 = p2/W2
  • <=> W2 = W1*p2 / p1
  • <=> w2 = W1p2 / n2p1

w2 is the weight to set to each device of region r2

Some scripts to compute weights automatically

I made some Swift scripts available to facilitate adding nodes to a new region. swift-add-nodes.py allows adding nodes to a new region with a minimal weight so that only 1 partition will be assigned to each device (The number and names of devices is set in a constant at the beginning of the script and has to be updated). Then swift-assign-partitions.py allows assigning a chosen ratio of partitions to the new region.

Example of deployment

Here's an example of the steps that a Swift operator can follow in order to split its one region cluster into 2 regions smoothly. A first step may consist in adding some new nodes to the new region and assigning 1 partition to each device. This would typically move between hundreds of Megabytes to a few Gigabytes; thus allowing to check that everything (network, hardware, ...) is working as expected. We can use the swift-add-nodes.py script to easily add nodes to our new region with a minimal weight so that only 1 partition will be assigned to each device:

$ python swift-add-nodes.py object.builder object.builder.s1 2 6000
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sdb1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sdc1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sdd1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sde1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sdb1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sdc1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sdd1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sde1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sdb1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sdc1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sdd1', 'port': 6000}
Adding device: {'weight': 5.11, 'zone': 0, 'ip': '', 'region': 2, 'device': 'sde1', 'port': 6000}

$ swift-ring-builder object.builder.s1 rebalance
Reassigned 12 (0.00%) partitions. Balance is now 0.18.

Subsequent steps may consist in increasing the partitions count by steps of some percentage (let's say 3%) until one third of total cluster data is stored in the new region. Script swift-assign-partitions.py allows assigning a chosen ratio of partitions to the new region:

$ python swift-assign-partitions.py object.builder.s2 object.builder.s3 2 0.03
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1342
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1343
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1344
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1345
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1346
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1347
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1348
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1349
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1350
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1351
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1352
Setting new weight of 10376.28 to device 1353

$ swift-ring-builder object.builder.s3 rebalance
Reassigned 25119 (9.58%) partitions. Balance is now 0.25.

Thanks & related links

Special thanks to Christian Schwede for the awesome work he did to improve the swift-ring-builder.

Interested in more details about how Openstack Swift Ring is working ?

Want to know more about all of this ? Come to see our talk Using OpenStack Swift for Extreme Data Durability at the next OpenStack Summit in Paris !